Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Birthday Celebration

On Sunday, April 19th, Rock Point had it's first birthday celebration! "What is a birthday celebration?", you might ask...well, it's a special service we have to baptize the kids at Rock Point who have trusted Jesus with their lives and asked Him to be their Savior. This was a very special one for me as I had the privilege of baptizing our little girl Kailey. I was a blubbering mess, but I got through it...

During the service we baptized 6 kids, and really celebrated their new life in Christ! 2 of our UpStreet worship leaders, Matt & Stephanie Rector, led us in worship...we had a prayer time with the kids...and when everything was over we had an awesome "birthday party" celebrating their "new birth". It was a blast. Great job Jared & the chilren's staff in planning this event for everyone.

It was such a pleasure to be a part of a cool service like that with our kids and their friends and families. I can't wait 'till the next one!


P.S. Check back later as we'll post some picture and video of the event!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Post-Easter notes

INCREDIBLE Day at Rock Point on Easter Sunday!! I have to tell you that I am amazed at our teams and the environments they help create every week. This Sunday they absolutely went over the top to create excellent environments for our guests that were irresistible and...well...just cool! So thank you to all of our staff and volunteers who helped create such a wonderful place on Sunday. After the dust settled we realized that almost 500 people attended Rock Point this past week! God is doing an amazing thing at Rock Point and I am so grateful to be play a small part on this journey!

Here is an email I received Sunday afternoon from someone who invited guests with them to Rock Point this past Sunday. This got me pretty excited:

A family I have been investing in for a few months came to church today. It was he and his wife and 3 children. They were blown away by RPCC and the excellence they experienced...they have been searching for a church home and decided to come today...From Waumba Land to Upstreet to the music to the message they were BLOWN away...I love that I can invest and invite and have confidence in what a great experience those visitors will have.

So, thank you to all of the volunteers to help create environments where this can happen...thank you to the staff for your countless hours and your leadership...and thank you God for giving us this incredible opportunity of leading people in Chattanooga into a growing relationship with You.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter at Rock Point

Easter Sunday is one of the saddest, but happiest Holidays. The day is so bitter-sweet. Every year I go through a bevy of emotions. The sadness comes from the simple fact that someone so innocent had to die for someone so guilty. I deserved to die...not Jesus. But the joy comes from knowing that my eternity is settled because of this payment...this gift. So do I mourn or celebrate on this day?

I have chosen to celebrate. The reason why is because Jesus did not stay in the grave...He did not turn to dust and whither away. 3 days later, he stepped out of the tomb that he was put in. No, he didn't just fall asleep for a couple of days. He died...and came back from the dead. And today He lives!! Seriously!! Why would he do this? The innocent died so those who were dead might have life. (FYI - that's us).

So how about you? Won't you celebrate with me? No...I mean REALLY celebrate?

Come join us at Rock Point for our Easter Celebration. I know I can't wait.
check out our website at for times and directions.

See you there.
