Monday, March 1, 2010

Feb 28 - 2010

Sunday at Rock Point was a very LONG day but an incredibly rewarding one. We began a new series called, "Staying in Love" where Andy Stanley discusses what it means to stay in love. Falling in love is easy...STAYING in love is a totally different deal. We kicked off with "Faithfully" by Journey (yes, the Journey hit from 1983). Crazy in that I was talking with a teenager after the service and told them that this song was written way before they were even born...and their response was, "Man, I love that song!" That's right...a timeless hit.

We ended the day with ELEVATE - A Night of Worship. The design of this night was simple...elevate God for who He is and what He has done in our lives. Rock Point is a church that unashamedly focuses on connecting with those outside the walls of our churches. We desire to be a church for everybody, and that includes those who are sleeping in or sitting on their couches on Sunday morning. (Honestly, the group that is often forgotten in most churches). But ELEVATE is a little different for us. It's a time for those who call themselves followers of Jesus to come together and remember Who it is that gives us life.

I know for me personally, this recharged my batteries...but they were recharged to accomplish God's mission for our church. Our video crew (led by Matt Stevens) put together this nifty little video to help remind us about ultimately what we are about. To share the incredible love relationship we have with our Savior with those we come in contact with every day. If you missed the video last night, here it is.

Vision Video 2010 from Matthew Stevens on Vimeo.

God loves us...He loves Chattanooga...His son died for this city. There are countless people who will not dawn the doorsteps of a church unless someone reaches out to them. Unless there is a church that welcomes them.

I love creating a church for them. How about you?


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