This past Sunday we wrapped up our latest series at Rock Point, BALANCED. In this series we have been taking a look at our personal finances and determining whether or not we truly are "balanced" with our books. I have to be honest...when we looked at doing a 6 week series on money, I got very nervous. Many people associate money and the church in a corrupt way. Just recently I have seen 2 reports of ministries/ministers who have exploited others for their own personal gain. So, as we moved forward with this series I was a little reluctant to "promote" the topic as I wasn't sure how it would be perceived. Wow! Was I wrong how it would be taken.
During the past 6 weeks we have heard incredible reports of people who have begun to get their financial lives in order and others who have realized that their money isn't just for them. They have really begun to understand, "Where your treasure is, there is your heart also." That God is the true owner of everything and he has just given us what we have as a "steward". That will really change your perspective on stuff.
This past week (the conclusion) was incredible as Andy spoke about 3 areas where our money should go. He listed them in this order:
1. Give (to further God's Kingdom)
2. Save (for the future)
3. Spend (with what God has blessed us with)
Basically, we should give off the top for God's work not with what is left over. Now, we can discuss and debate all day about whether that should be a percentage for the local church...or parachurch organizations...or supporting missionaries. That's really not the point. The point is, most often we have reversed the order. We often put our immediate needs/wants first, followed by building our own kingdom and then finally giving to God's work what we have left over, (which usually is very little). It was very eye opening as many in the audience could relate with the reversal of this order and why it important for us to put them in the right order. I really can't do it justice in a blog, so here is the link if you want to catch any previous sermons in this series. I really believe you will be glad you did.
Although the series is over for BALANCED, we have a lot of work to do. Many of us need to continue working on our financial "books" so that we get out of debt and are no longer "the slave to the lender". Many of us need to reprioritize where our money is going, while others need to find a percentage to give outside of themselves. This is an issue we all face...have faced...or will face at some point.
So...where does your money go? Take a look at your recent bank statement. It tells a lot about what we prioritize.
For more helps with the BALANCED series, click here.
I hope you all have a great week and don't forget our new series beginning this Sunday, February 28th. - STAYING IN LOVE