Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Celebration!

After the dust has settled at our Easter Celebration at Rock Point, I wanted to give you all a quick snapshot as to what all occurred on this incredible day. Easter is the greatest day of the year for followers of Christ and it was awesome to be able to celebrate that day with so many at Rock Point. Our God is so good!

* First of all, we could not have done this without our amazing volunteers. You guys continue to amaze me. From the time people pull into the parking lot until they leave, you guys strive to create excellent and irresistible environments for them. On Sunday, the atmosphere was electric and children, teenagers and adults of all ages were all engaged. It was fun to be a part of! Thank you all SO MUCH!

* Sunday we had our highest attendance ever at Rock Point. We are the first ones to admit that numbers aren't everything, (as life change isn't about how many people are sitting in the seats), but you have to be excited about almost 100 children and 440 adults and teenagers on Easter Sunday. I wholeheartedly believe in what we are doing to create environments to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and we got to do this with over 500 people Sunday. That's exciting stuff!

* At the conclusion of the service we gave anyone who wanted to, an opportunity to trust Christ as their Savior. I witnessed from the front multiple hands go up in acknowledgment of giving their lives to Christ. What a special Easter for those people! I'm praying for them and their new found relationship with Christ. I hope you will do the same.

I am committed that Rock Point will not be just an Easter destination for some people. I desire for this to be a weekly destination for people from all over Chattanooga each and every Sunday. I believe that our relationship with Christ should be contagious and church on Sunday is a place that also should be contagious. I hope and pray that you will join me on this mission...to capture this vision...and be a church for EVERYBODY!

FYI - We've got an incredible new series coming up called, "Losing Your Religion". It begins this Sunday. Know someone who might have had "religion" at one point but gave it up because it failed them...or maybe never gave it a shot because "religion" seemed to be filled with too many holes? Maybe this describes you. In this series we are going to take a look at the significant difference in a "religion" and a "relationship" with Christ. It's VASTLY different. We hope you will join us for this series and invite some folks whom you believe would benefit from a series like this.

Can't wait to see you Sunday!
