Sunday, July 27, 2008

Did that church just GIVE me money!

This past Sunday at Rock Point was one of the coolest Sundays we have ever had. At the conclusion of the service we actually GAVE money away to all who attended. That's right, if you attended Rock Point this week, you walked out with money in hand. There was one catch, though...this money had to be used in some ministry outside the walls of Rock Point. It couldn't go back in the bucket and it can't be used to buy lunch for yourself. (Pretty tempting for some of the college students). It had to be used in some form or fashion to minister to others.

With that, we would love to hear some of the stories of how you used it. Post your stories below and let's share some of the cool things that God does when we just open up our hands and say, "Here"!


j67221c said...

God allowed me and my wife to provide dinner for a family going through a difficult time. We pray God's love is shown and He is given all the glory.

Thank you Rock Point!

Anonymous said...

Great news! Glad that you were able to help someone out. That's really what it's all about. Hey guys, let's keep the stories coming!!

Anonymous said...

My girls and I spent the morning picking blueberries - we decided to use the money to purchase the berries. We then divided them up and put notes of encouragement with them. We walked to our four neighbors and were able to share the berries while sharing God's love! It was so simple, yet a great experience for us all.

Anonymous said...

Now that's creative. I love that you guys thought out of the box like that to share with your neighbors. Very cool!

Shirley said...

Our small group pooled our money, then matched it with our own money and gave it to the Chattanooga Food Bank (who said they can buy food in bulk more economically than we can buy food for them).

Unknown said...

A couple who work for Campus Crusade for Christ who we connected with at our previous church in Orlando, FL sent out a letter this month telling us that their daughter Chandlyr had a hole in her heart and they had to do surgery to close the hole. Despite great insurance, they needed an extra 6000 dollars to perform the surgery. So we took our 2 fives and multiplied them ten-fold and gave it to them to help with the cost.

Anonymous said...

I love the stories!

You guys have generated some great ideas for giving.

Thanks for taking the challenge head on and getting creative with the pay it forward idea. Keep the stories coming.

Tim Green