Monday, March 2, 2009

Starbucks & the Church

I am sitting in Starbucks right now thinking to myself, "Wow, the church could learn a lot from Starbucks!" Now I'm not talking in just serving better coffee...I mean churches today even market, "Now serving Starbucks coffee!" I'm more thinking about the quality of the environment...the welcoming of people from all demographics and socio-econonomic status...the vibe that you get where you feel like you could stay here all day! It's just a cool place. (I'm still hoping that the one I'm sitting in won't one that is shut down.)

So, we have the most important message to be presented to this world but often the church "experience" is either non-inviting...non-welcoming...or non-relevant. When was the last time that your average church goer was sad that the church service ended?! Why do we tend to settle for mediocrity in our presentation of the most important message ever?

I'm thinking right now about how this applies to Rock Point. Do we settle for mediocrity? Are our environments as engaging and welcoming as they can and should be? If someone had the option to spend their morning at Starbucks or Rock Point where would they choose?

Hmmm...I'll get back with you on that one.



Unknown said...


I think you raise a good point. We are called to do excellence in what we do, for sure, and to glorify the Lord through it. So, I think church should be done 'well' and with 'excellence' but what I see a lot of churches doing is putting on a great 'show' and doing it well and creating environments that are exciting and fun and stimulating but losing the message...forgetting the reason why they are even doing it all.

I think that is something that we, in the church, need to be aware of, for sure. Not to 'water the gospel down' like so many are doing and thus creating a 'seeker friendly' environment. Rather, engaging people, connecting with them, and then equipping them and helping to foster and develop their relationship with Jesus.

Just a few thoughts,

Heath Bennettt said...

Great comment Olivia. I do agree with the whole watering down thing. But for some reason it seems to be either "entertaining and watered down" or "deep and non-inviting" in our church circles today. Why can't it be both engaging and challenging? I hope we can somehow find that balance. It's not easy, but I think it's worth it.

Thanks for your comment!!