Friday, May 1, 2009

Invest...Invite...Just Ask...Then What?

There is a phrase that we use around Rock Point a lot..."Invest and Invite". This phrase is in relation to every attendee of Rock Point considering someone to invest in and eventually invite them to church by asking them to join them. We believe this is the best way to get people through the doors of church...many for the first time ever. While this seems to be working pretty well...we still seem to be missing something. Let me paint a picture for you:

* You invest in a friend from work and are building a relationship with them. You really want to ask them to church with you and finally one day...
*...You invite them to church. Not just a casual invite, but a "hey why don't we meet up before church at Starbucks and grab a coffee on our way in!!"
* You're rockin' as your friend comes with you and they seem to really have a great time.
* You go home and wonder, "I hope they had enjoyed today...maybe they will come back".
* Then comes the feeling we all have..."should I leave it up them or invite them back?"

This is really a big deal because we don't want to be forceful with our faith, but we don't want to sit on our hands either. What if some of those people are sitting at home and wondering, "I wonder if they will ask me back to their church...I really enjoyed it!"
Hmmm....something to think about.

I personally think we should follow up with our guests. That follow up being from the one's who invited them. I really don't think they would feel pressured at all, especially if the vibe you got following the service was that they enjoyed themselves. Maybe, it's as simple as making the second "ask" and base what comes next on that response...not on what we think they will say.

Maybe we ought to add something on after "invest and invite". Not sure what that cool little catch phrase could be...maybe, "Invest...invite...just ask...
get 'em back?"

Any suggestions?


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