Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter at Rock Point

Easter Sunday is one of the saddest, but happiest Holidays. The day is so bitter-sweet. Every year I go through a bevy of emotions. The sadness comes from the simple fact that someone so innocent had to die for someone so guilty. I deserved to die...not Jesus. But the joy comes from knowing that my eternity is settled because of this payment...this gift. So do I mourn or celebrate on this day?

I have chosen to celebrate. The reason why is because Jesus did not stay in the grave...He did not turn to dust and whither away. 3 days later, he stepped out of the tomb that he was put in. No, he didn't just fall asleep for a couple of days. He died...and came back from the dead. And today He lives!! Seriously!! Why would he do this? The innocent died so those who were dead might have life. (FYI - that's us).

So how about you? Won't you celebrate with me? No...I mean REALLY celebrate?

Come join us at Rock Point for our Easter Celebration. I know I can't wait.
check out our website at for times and directions.

See you there.


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